KFserving Installation

Install and configure KFServing

This section will walk you through installation procedure of KFserving such that it is ready to be used with Seldon Deploy.

Install KNative Serving

Knative Serving is required for KFServing. See Knative section for steps.

Install KFServing

Clone KFserving repository and checkout the right branch


git -C ${KFSERVING_RESOURCE_DIR} fetch origin || git clone https://github.com/kubeflow/kfserving.git ${KFSERVING_RESOURCE_DIR}
#have to checkout commit rather than tag as v0.4.1 yaml is missing in v0.4.1 tag
git -C ${KFSERVING_RESOURCE_DIR} checkout f253dd529ba25c080ca458d8dc36fd0a19bbd473

Install and configure KFserving

kubectl apply --validate=false -f ./install/${KFSERVING_VERSION}/kfserving.yaml || true
sleep 3
kubectl patch cm -n kfserving-system inferenceservice-config -p '{"data":{"explainers":"{\n    \"alibi\":{\n        \"image\" : \"docker.io/seldonio/kfserving-alibi\",\n        \"defaultImageVersion\" : \"0.4.1\"\n    }\n}","ingress":"{\n    \"ingressGateway\" : \"istio-system/seldon-gateway\",\n    \"ingressService\" : \"istio-ingressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local\"\n}","logger":"{\n    \"image\" : \"gcr.io/kfserving/logger:v0.4.0\",\n    \"memoryRequest\": \"100Mi\",\n    \"memoryLimit\": \"1Gi\",\n    \"cpuRequest\": \"100m\",\n    \"cpuLimit\": \"1\",\n    \"defaultUrl\": \"http://broker-ingress.knative-eventing.svc.cluster.local/seldon-logs/default\"\n}"}}'
# Create self-signed certs because we dont have cert-manager

Configure Seldon Deploy

Enable KFserving in Seldon Deploy by adding a following section to your deploy-values.yaml files

  protocol: "http"
  enabled: true
Last modified April 20, 2021