OpenShift Installation

Installations for OpenShift

Red Hat Marketplace Installation

Seldon Deploy is available in Red Hat markeplace with options for trial or purchase.

In Red Hat marketplace installation is via an operator. That operator needs to be installed first. It is installed using the marketplace tile.

The Red Hat marketplace installation is therefore different to other installations.

The marketplace installation is also different to other openshift installations. This is because all dependencies used in the installation are versions provided or certified by Red Hat.

To use the Red Hat marketplace installation, first choose the tile in your marketplace-enabled openshift cluster. Then follow the installation steps

Troubleshooting steps are included at the bottom of the install guide

Other OpenShift Installations

Red Hat marketplace is not the only way to install on OpenShift. Each of the components can be installed on OpenShift in essentially the usual way. You are likely to hit errors such as:

spec.containers[0].securityContext.runAsUser: Invalid value: 65534: must be in the ranges: [1000620000, 1000629999] 

These can be addressed by adding security context contstraints.

For example, if you hit this with seldon-core-analytics in the seldon-system namespace then run:

oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:serviceaccounts:seldon-system

And similarly for kfserving and others.

This kind of OpenShift installation is not documented in detail but is not fundamentally different from other installs. Consult the docs of the providers of individual components and contact seldon in the case of issues.

Last modified April 16, 2021