Trial Installations

Trial installations for setting up a new clusters

Trial Installation Options

These scripts will install the default configurations that can be used to trial the Seldon Deploy. These provide a simple way to get you up and running to test the functionalities that we offer.


The trial installations of Seldon Deploy can be configured using a file called “sdconfig.txt”.

The location and format of this file is

GIT_USER=<your GIT user>
GIT_TOKEN=<your GIT token>                          # This is either GitHub token or Bitbucket App password
GIT_EMAIL=<your GIT email>
SD_USER_EMAIL=<user email>                    # The user for access to Seldon Deploy eg.
SD_PASSWORD=<user password>
EXTERNAL_HOST=                                      # This can be blank
EXTERNAL_PROTOCOL=https                             # "https" or "http"
MULTITENANT=false                                   # Restricts permissions to namespace-level. Ask seldon before using.
ENABLE_APP_AUTH=true                                # 'true' or 'false'
ENABLE_METADATA_POSTGRES=true                       # If false will skip installing PostgreSQL in the trial cluster and metadata API will be unavailable.

Use the following script to check or create an initial file to fill in.

cd seldon-deploy-install


Default Trial Installation

Default Trial Installation

Kubeflow Trial Installation

Default Trial Installation with Kubeflow

KIND Trial Installation

KIND Trial Installation

Last modified April 16, 2021